Equality at UW 2024 – invitation to participation in university study

19 02 2024
Due to the launch of the second edition of the research project „Equality at UW 2024″, we would like to invite you to take part in online focus group interviews.
The results of the study will be used to prepare a new edition of the Gender Equality Plan for UW for 2025-2029. The Gender Equality Plan is a strategic document prepared on the basis of a diagnosis of the experiences and needs of our University community in the context of respecting values such as equality, diversity and anti-discrimination.
The current Gender Equality Plan for UW and implementation reports can be found here: [LINK] – please take a look at the activities carried out.
We organize group interviews for:
– students (in Polish and English),
– doctoral students (in Polish and in English),
– researchers and lecturers (in Polish and in English),
– persons employed in administration and other non-academic positions (in Polish).
We will ask you to share your experiences of equality, diversity as well as issues of discrimination and your needs and difficulties in this area. We are also keen to hear your views and ideas and solutions to help strengthen respect for equality and diversity at our university.
As the organisers of the study (the UW Equality Team and the UW Women’s and Gender Research Centre), we would like to assure you that the research project is internal to the university and that the data and information obtained during the interviews are confidential (only the organisers will have access to the data) and will only be used for the purposes of this study.
The link to the interview application form can be found here (LINK), registration will be open until 27 February 2024.
Interviews will commence in early March 2024 – Interviews will take place online, on the Zoom platform.
If you have any questions about the study, please contact the project PI Prof. Julia Kubisa, email: jd.kubisa@uw.edu.pl