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2024/2025 admission results

General informationScheduleDocumentsAssessment criteriaLimits of placesQualification teamsRanking lists and interview scheduleScholarshipTrainingsLegal acts

Recruitment to the SDNH UW is a two-stage process. In its first stage, the qualification team assesses the candidates’ research projects and scientific activity (based on the documents submitted in the IRK system). In the second stage, qualification teams invite candidates who obtain at least 50% of the points possible in the first stage of recruitment to participate in qualification interviews. A ranking list is then created for every discipline, taking into account the place limits.

Discipline list:

1) archaeology;
2) ethnology and cultural anthropology;
3) philosophy;
4) history;
5) linguistics;
6) literary studies;
7) culture and religion studies;
8) arts studies.

The recruitment schedule will be published soon.

Candidates to SDNH UW shall upload the following documents (solely) into the IRK system. The School does not require submitting them in writing during the first and second stages of the recruitment.

Candidates select the discipline via a declaration in the registration form in the IRK system. Recruitment  includes eight disciplines: archaeology, ethnology and cultural anthropology, philosophy, history, linguistics, literary studies, cultural and religious studies, and art studies.

It is a scan of the graduation diploma of long-cycle Master’s degree or postgraduate studies or an equivalent diploma obtained under separate regulations.

The research project is the most essential component of recruitment to the School. In it, candidates primarily indicate the subject of their research, its relevance, and their research methods. A total of 40 points can be obtained for the description of the preliminary research proposal (out of 100 obtainable for the entire recruitment process). In addition, the second stage of recruitment, i.e., the interview, for which a total of 40 points can also be obtained, refers largely to the research project.

The research project must have at most 6,000 characters, including spaces (the bibliography does not count towards the character limit). Its abstract may be up to 1,000 characters, including spaces.

When evaluating research project, consideration is given to:
1) research objective (0-10 points);
2) novelty and originality of the research project (0-10 points);
3) methodology appropriate for the objective pursued, consistency of argumentation, transparency of reasoning (0-10 points);
4) description of the current status of research with references relevant for the research objective (0-10 points).

The purpose of the above documents is to indicate the candidate’s most crucial scientific activity to date. It may refer only to activities in the five calendar years preceding the application submission in the IRK system. If a candidate becomes a parent during this time, this period is extended by two years for each child.

Scientific activities may include:

a) publications,
b) research and organizational work at student research groups,
c) participation in scientific conferences,
d) participation in research projects,
e) awards and honourable mentions,
f) research internships,
g) research skills training programs completed,
h) activities promoting science,
i) activity in science movement representative bodies,
j) average of their university grades,
k) professionalcareer,
l) level of proficiency in foreign languages.

Every scientific activity shall be evidenced by a scan that the candidate uploads to the IRK system (e.g., a scan of a language certificate or a scan of a diploma entitling the candidate to study at the school). In the case of scientific publications, the candidate should upload up to two full scans of their articles or sections in collective works deemed the most important. The remaining candidate’s publications shall be confirmed with scans of title pages.

Qualification teams does not take into account a candidate’s information on scientific activity not evidenced by material uploaded to the IRK system.

It is a declaration in the form of a ‘yes’/’no’ answer in the registration form in the IRK system. Despite this, the declaration is relevant for further education and should correspond to an English language proficiency of at least B2.

During classes at the School, most lecturers use scientific articles in English. In addition, some subjects are taught entirely in English. The declaration can be supplemented by uploading relevant language certificates in the IRK system.

Submitting this document in the IRK system is one of the formal conditions that a candidate shall meet in the first stage of recruitment (link to supervisor search engine). The dissertation supervisor can be a person with a degree of doktor habilitowany or the title of professor. In addition, at least one of the supervisors has to be:
1) an employee of the University,
2) an employee of the institution co-managing the School,
3) or a person having the status of a retired professor of the University.

In addition to the main supervisor, upon admission to the School, a PhD student may apply for an appointment of a selected academic as an additional or assistant supervisor.

Form for planned supervisor: file.

Please take due diligence in this regard. Once you are qualified for the School, the photograph uploaded into the IRK system will be, i.a., your photo on your doctoral ID card.

The declaration shall indicate whether the candidate was or is a doctoral student or a participant of doctoral studies or whether they have initiated a doctoral dissertation process or whether proceedings to award them a doctoral degree have been initiated – and if yes, the title of their doctoral dissertation or the research project prepared by a candidate, including the name and last name of the candidate’s tutor or supervisor.


A candidate can obtain 100 points for the recruitment procedure, including 60 points for the first stage and 40 points for the second stage. To qualify for the second stage, a candidate must obtain at least 50% of the points for the first stage. To qualify as a ” candidate recommended for admission,” receiving at least 50% of the points in the second stage is necessary. This status is changed to “accepted” after all required documents have been delivered and signed after the second stage (information will be available in the IRK system after qualification).

First stage:

1) Preliminary description of the research project (40 points):

1) research objective (0-10 points);
2) novelty and originality of the research project (0-10 points);
3) methodology appropriate for the objective pursued, consistency of argumentation, transparency of reasoning (0-10 points);
4) description of the current status of research with references relevant for the research objective (0-10 points).

2) Scientific activity confirmed by scanned documents (20 points):

1) scientific publications, including scientific articles, sections in multi-author monographs, single-author monographs, publications in peer-reviewed international conferences materials (0-8 points);
2) presentations at national and international scientific conferences with an approved paper (0-8 points);
3) other elements of the evaluation of the candidate’s experience and scientific achievements, including awards, honourable mentions, certificates, professional experience, teaching experience, activity in an academic scientific movement, training, promotion of science, etc. (0–4 points).

Second stage: interview (40 points):

1) candidate’s competence important from the perspective of the research conducted, including the relevant knowledge, e.g. most important publications on a given matter (0-20 points);
2) ability to present the need for planned research and language competence, including in particular a good command of the scientific language appropriate to the discipline of the research.

The limits of places will be published soon.

In consultation with the Rector, the School’s Director forms qualification teams for all disciplines and appoints their members. The teams’ composition will be announced shortly.

The qualification team consists of academic staff with at least the degree of doctor and one representative of doctoral students. A qualification team member must maintain integrity, impartiality and objectivity in assessing the School candidates.

A qualification team member may be excluded from assessing a candidate if:

1) they were the supervisor of the candidate’s Master’s thesis;
2) they are the candidate’s manager or have a different employment relationship with them;
3) the candidate is or was their spouse, next of kin or relative by affinity up to the second degree or remains or remained in cohabitation with them;
4) the candidate is or was a person related to them through adoption, custody or guardianship;
5) they participated in disciplinary proceedings in which the candidate or their planned supervisor were accused;
6) there are other objective circumstances that could cause reasonable doubts as to the professional attitude, impartiality or objectivity during the candidate’s assessment.

The results of the admission procedure are public and will be published on the School’s website in the form of ranking lists. They include updates and the results of the first and second stages of recruitment, which are announced separately for every discipline.

[updated post]


The doctoral scholarship is available to any person admitted to the School who does not hold a doctoral degree. The total duration of the doctoral scholarship may be, at most, four years. A doctoral student who submits their doctoral dissertation earlier than the completion date of the education provided for in the study programme shall receive a doctoral scholarship until the completion date of the education but for at most six months.

The doctoral scholarship amount is 4242 PLN gross before the mid-term evaluation and 5340,9 PLN gross after the mid-term evaluation.

The disability stipend for the entire duration of the education at the School is 1040.07 PLN gross.

The trainings schedule will be published soon.

Recruitment resolution – link.


Recruitment Coordinator publishes the 2024/2025 admission results to the Doctoral School of Humanities in disciplines:

  • Archaeology: ranking list; ranking list update – 12.8.2024; ranking list update – 22.8.2024; ranking list update – 5.9.2024; ranking list update – 12.9.2024; ranking list update – 19.9.2024; list of admitted candidates.
  • Ethnology and cultural anthropology: ranking list; ranking list update – 22.8.2024; ranking list update – 12.9.2024; ranking list update – 19.9.2024; list of admitted candidates.
  • Philosophy: ranking list; ranking list update – 12.8.2024; ranking list update – 5.9.2024; ranking list update – 12.9.2024; ranking list update – 19.9.2024; list of admitted candidates.
  • History: ranking list;ranking list update – 12.8.2024; ranking list update – 22.8.2024; ranking list update – 5.9.2024; ranking list update – 12.9.2024; ranking list update – 19.9.2024; list of admitted candidates.
  • Linguistics: ranking list; ranking list update – 12.8.2024; ranking list update – 22.8.2024; ranking list update – 5.9.2024; ranking list update – 12.9.2024; ranking list update – 19.9.2024; list of admitted candidates.
  • Literary studies: ranking list; ranking list update – 12.8.2024; ranking list update – 22.8.2024; ranking list update – 5.9.2024; ranking list update – 19.9.2024; list of admitted candidates.
  • Culture and religion studies: ranking list;ranking list update – 12.8.2024; ranking list update – 22.8.2024; ranking list update – 5.9.2024; ranking list update – 12.9.2024; ranking list update – 20.9.2024; list of admitted candidates.
  • Arts studies: ranking list ; ranking list update – 12.8.2024; ranking list update – 12.9.2024; ranking list update – 19.9.2024; list of admitted candidates.

In accordance with the enrolment schedule, candidates recommended for admission to the School must provide the documents listed below to the School. You can submit the documents from 1 August to 18 September 2024.


– original copy of the document confirming qualifications to begin education at the School or its official copy (e.g. diploma of completion of the second-cycle programme). If the diploma was issued in a language other than Polish or English, the candidate must provide a certified translation;
– additional documents – if you receive health-related benefits (e.g. disability, pension, etc.);
– documents printed from the IRK system (“Enrollment applications”, “Documents and further steps”):
1. Personal data processing declaration for educational purposes;
2. Declaration concerning undertaking education in the Doctoral School;
3. Scholarship statement;
4. Application for admission to Doctoral School.

You shall provide the documents to the Office of the Doctoral School of Humanities (ul. Dobra 56/66, room 0.108, 00-312 Warszawa)

To make an appointment at the Office, use the link below: 


IMPORTANT: Take your identity document with you (consisting of a picture of you).

Candidates who wish to apply for a place in a dormitory or visa are kindly asked to submit the above documents to the School’s Office by 9 August 2024.

More information about applying for a place in a dormitory: LINK.