Heuristics – Interdisciplinarity facing the challenges of the modern world

30 10 2024
Dear Doctoral Students,
The Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at the University of Warsaw is pleased to invite you to Heuristics – a series of UW Doctoral School seminars at which doctoral students of our School will present their unique interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary doctoral projects.
The title of this year’s edition organised by the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School is “Interdisciplinarity facing the challenges of the modern world”.
The event will begin on 7 November 2024 (Thursday) at 16.00 in the Auditorium of the Old University.
The event will be translated simultaneously via the ZOOM platform. Those wishing to attend are asked to bring their own headphones and smartphones. A link to the event will be available on the school website (msd.uw.edu.pl) closer to the conference date.