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The increase in the doctoral scholarship

Doctoral students who receive a doctoral scholarship and who have completed their first year of study may apply for an increase in the doctoral scholarship. 

In order to be awarded an increase in the scholarship, at least one of the following academic achievements must be obtained in the academic year 2023/2024:

  1. acceptance for publication of a scientific article in a journal from the ministerial list or included in the SCOPUS database or in the peer-reviewed post-conference materials; 
  2. acceptance for publication of a monograph or a chapter in a monograph in a publication on the ministerial list; 
  3. presenting a paper at a scientific conference, which is not part of the programme of studies at the doctoral school of the University of Warsaw; 
  4. obtaining a patent related to the research carried out as part of the doctoral project;
  5. submission of an application for an external grant which has passed formal assessment; 
  6. conducting a scientific activity for which applications from the funds of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme for doctoral students pass the merit evaluation.

The applications should be submitted by 31 October 2024 via university electronic mail to the following e-mail address: phd.nh@uw.edu.pl

The amount of the scholarship will be announced after the applications have been reviewed. The scholarship will be paid in December 2024. The budget for the payment of scholarships is PLN 2.2 million.

The increase in the doctoral scholarship: is it necessary to list exactly one scientific achievement in the application, or to list all that qualify?

In order to be awarded the increase in the scholarship, at least one of the academic achievements listed in the Ordinance of the Rector No. 108/2024 must be obtained in the academic year 2023/2024. However, it is up to the applicant and  supervisor to decide how many achievements are ultimately listed in the application.

Can a person who has had their education suspended in 2023/24 apply?


Can a person whose education is suspended submit an application?

Yes. However, the increase in the doctoral scholarship is not paid during the period of suspension of education. The awarded increase of the doctoral scholarship shall be paid upon the doctoral student’s application after the end of the suspension, no later than by the end of the academic year for which the increase of the doctoral scholarship was awarded. The awarded scholarship will be paid if the suspension ends by the end of August 2025 at the latest and the person to whom the scholarship has been awarded submits an appropriate request for payment.

Can I, as a 4th year doctoral student (no scholarship, 1 year at another Doctoral School; despite NCN funding, I lost my 4th year scholarship entitlement) claim this allowance?

An increase in the doctoral scholarship shall be awarded to doctoral students who receive a doctoral scholarship. In the case described, there is no entitlement to the increase in the doctoral scholarship.

Can a doctoral student in their fifth year (first extension of their doctorate) claim this allowance?

No, since only the doctoral students who have completed at least their first year of study, but no later than after their fourth year of study, shall be entitled to the increase in the scholarship.

Will the application to NAWA’s Bekker programme be recognised – it is a scholarship programme and not strictly a grant competition?

Yes, provided the proposal involved research or other scientific activity and passed the formal assessment.

If my doctoral scholarship comes from a grant or from the ’Doktorat wdrożeniowy” programme, can I apply for the increase?


The application also refers to acceptance for publication of a scientific article in a journal from the ministerial list or included in the SCOPUS database or in the peer-reviewed post-conference materials. Does a doctoral student have to be the sole author of such a text? However, is a co-authored text also included in this category?

Articles co-authored by applicants for the increase in the scholarship meet the criteria indicated in the Ordinance of the Rector No. 108/2024.

Is the achievement reported to be related to the doctoral project or research carried out as part of the doctorate, or can it relate to another research topic?

The scientific achievement reported does not have to be related to the doctoral project.

For more information: [LINK]

A template application: [LINK]