Identity Crisis Network (ICN) Online seminars

22 11 2024
Identity Crisis Network (ICN) is excited to invite the students of our university to participate in the upcoming seminar series, a unique opportunity to engage with critical issues surrounding identity and subjectivity in art, politics, and contemporary thinking. From November 19th to December 5th, you can join each Tuesday and Thursday at 18:00 CET for six engaging online seminars – and there are no fees for participating!
ICN brings together artists, curators, and theorists challenging established notions of identity in the realm of art and theory. They’ll explore the concept of identity through the lenses of technology, feminism & queer theory, decolonialism, politics, and philosophy., all through the perspectives of influential voices in contemporary discourse. Each seminar will feature a lecture by esteemed speakers such as Jan Sowa, Nav Haq, Maja Ćirić, Aigerim Kapar, Alice Bucknell, and Sylvia Sadzinski.
Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays, November 19th – December 5th
Time: 18:00 CET
Format: Online seminars with live Q&A sessions
- More information: [FILE]
These seminars are ideal for critical thinkers and emerging artists interested in shaping the future discourse on identity. By joining, you will have the chance to engage directly with experts, exchange insights, and explore new frameworks that go beyond traditional identity categories.
How to Apply: To participate, please complete the registration form by clicking [HERE]
ICN team, Michalina Sablik, Luja Šimunović & Klara Petrović (KUĆĆA), Vera Zalutskaya, Luka Cvetkovich