“Better Together” – invitation
04 12 2024
We would like to invite you to a meeting “Better Together” integrating the doctoral community, in particular non-Polish-speaking persons who started their education at the Doctoral Schools of the University of Warsaw in the academic year 2024/25.
The meeting will take place on 13 December (Friday) at 13.30 in the University of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre (Ochota Campus).
Meeting programme:
- 13.30 – short presentations on scholarships, IDUB programme, doctoral students’ self-government, legalisation of stay
- 14.00 – lecture by dr Aleksandra Jaskólska “A short guide to Polish Academic Culture”
- 15.00 – 17.15 – integration workshop
Please register for the event until 10.12.2024 via the form: LINK
You are warmly welcome!