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SDNH Doctoral Student’s Council

Doctoral School PhD Students’ Councils:

Chairperson: mgr Tomasz Figura,
Vice – chairperson: mgr Amel Mana, mgr Michał Górnik
Delegates: mgr Amel Mana, mgr Tomasz Figura

Delegates to the PhD Students’ Union Council:
mgr Piotr Paszkowski
mgr Paulina Dudzińska
mgr Kamil Frankowski
mgr Magdalena Filipek



Doctoral School PhD Students’ Councils (Term of office: February 2023- January 2024);

Chairperson: mgr Michał Górnik
Delegates: mgr Ibrahim Mertcan Alcinkaya, mgr Magdalena Filipek, mgr Zuzanna Jaskuła
Other members: mgr Dominika Dziewczopolska, mgr Katarzyna Gajda

Contact: doktoranci_sdnh[at]uw.edu.pl