Plenipotentiaries for equality
The Plenipotentiaries for equality are the first point of contact for staff, students and doctoral students in situations requiring support/advice/clarification on anti-discrimination, mobbing, violence etc. They also disseminate information about equality measures carried out by the University.
The function of Plenipotentiaries for equality in the Doctoral School of Humanities is carried out by: 1. dr hab. Małgorzata Sandowicz, prof. ucz. (Faculty of Oriental Studies), email:; 2. dr. hab. Jan Romański, prof. ucz. (Faculty of Chemistry), e-mail: [For more information on equality measures at the UW, see HERE.] The Plenipotentiaries for equality provide assistance in cases of unequal treatment, discrimination, including harassment and sexual harassment, bullying and other unwanted behaviour. If you are a witness or a victim of discrimination, bullying or harassment, or if you need advice or support, we also encourage you to contact the SDNH Director (dr hab. Monika Rekowska, prof. ucz.). The University of Warsaw runs a number of equality measures and offers a support system:
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