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Applications for appointing/change a dissertation supervisor


Main supervisor:

  • Application for appointing/changing a dissertation supervisor [FILE]

Additional supervisor:

  • Application for appointing/changing an additional dissertation supervisor [FILE]

Assistant supervisor:

  • Application for appointing/changing an assistant dissertation supervisor [FILE]

Please note that changes to the composition of supervisors can be made at any time during your further education at the School. Please familiarize yourself with the rules described in the School’s Regulations [LINK].,

Appointment/change of supervisor is made by a resolution of the School Council.

Documents should be submitted no later than 10 days before the Council meeting. Schedule of meetings: [LINK]

Signed and complete applications should be sent to phd.nh@uw.edu.pl

NOTE: If you are applying for the appointment of a person from outside the UW (applies to assistant and additional supervisors), it is mandatory to include a completed personal information questionnaire. This information is necessary for entering the person into the POLon system. Personal information questionnaire: [LINK].

General information on supervisors:

The dissertation supervisor may be a person with a degree of doktor habilitowany or the title of professor and meet the conditions described in § 17 ust. 1 of the SDNH Regulations.

A dissertation supervisor cannot become a person who remains the designated supervisor for more than five doctoral students or applicants for the doctoral degree. The Director, with the agreement of the School Council, may in exceptional and justifiable cases increase this limit.

The function of assistant supervisor may be performed by a person holding at least a doctoral degree.