Teaching practice
The supervisor is responsible for the completion of the practice (enables its completion during their own classes, or indicates the person(s) under whose supervision the doctoral student will complete the practice). The SDNH office enters the credit for the practice into USOS on the basis completed and signed Teaching Practice Sheet LINK.
The doctoral student who carries out the teaching practice :
– can start the practice after having passed the ‘University Pedagogy’ class,
– does not have to be registered in USOS as a lecturer,
– does not have to complete all the hours required by the programme in one course,
– does not have to complete all the hours in one semester.
According to the Rules and Regulations of the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw LINK:
§18(1)(8) of ‘The obligations of the supervisor include in particular: (…) supporting the doctoral student in the carrying out of teaching practice in the form specified in the study programme’.
According to the Study Programme at SDNH contained in Resolution No. 209 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of 18 January 2023 on the study programme at the Doctoral School of Humanities LINK: